Mentor Notes

Lesson Aims

This is the first time that students have been introduced to network programming and so can be a hard lesson since we fit a lot in

We made a very conscious decision to not include the teaching of Promises in this lesson and simply teach fetch as a recipe. The aim is to have the students creating interesting projects to keep them engaged rather than overload them with theory.

The overarching plan for this lesson is repetition. By the end of the week they should be getting very used to the flow of

  1. Use fetch to get some data
  2. Parse the result
  3. Use DOM manipulation to do something on the screen with the data

Lesson Overview

How the web works

We felt it was important to give a recap of how the internet works in particular Status Codes and Methods since they will be using them in the lesson.

We tried to keep it to the most minimal selection of codes and methods so that we don't overload the students with too much new information.

What are APIs and how to interact with them

A short overview of what an API is and how it works.

When showing examples of APIs it's important to show it working in a browser so the students can see the JSON response. They should be fairly good at reading JSON at this point since it's very similar to a JavaScript Object.


The most important points to impart when teaching this section are

  • The general flow of a Promise
    • i.e. first you use fetch(). and then .then()
  • Whatever is returned from a .then() is returned in the next section
  • How to use .json() to get the JSON from the request

Live Coding from scratch is really important here since the students will be doing an exercise later on to

Exercise 1

A completed example of this exercise can be found here

To Be Improved

Quiz Answers

  1. Application Programming Interface
  2. Semi-private examples: Facebook, Twitter, Fitbit. Public examples: TFL, anything not requiring auth here:
  3. GET request typically reads data from the API server, whereas POST request typically creates or modifies data
  4. Something like:
const h1Element = document.createElement('h1');
h1Element.innerText = content;

N.B: innerHTML can be accepted but should be discouraged due to security considerations (i.e. sanitisation of API payload required first)

  1. document.onload fires whenever the DOM tree is ready, whereas window.onload is fired whenever the entire page loads, including external content (images, CSS, scripts etc.)
  2. A Promise
  3. The then function is executed whenever the asynchronous request completes successfully; the catch function is executed if an error arises during the request
  4. The HTTP status code, and the content-type
    1. Ok
    2. Created 3: Resource not found
  5. 429 means that you have sent too many request to the server. The header may include a Retry-After field, indicating how long to wait before it will service that request.

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