
What will we learn today?

What is the Same-Origin policy

If you are creating a website (let's call it This website may make requests back to your server that you want to trust. You wrote the website, so you know that it should be making that request.

If I am a hacker creating a website (let's call it and I make a request to your website — from to — then you can't trust that request. You do not know or control what my website is doing. I could be stealing data, hacking your users or many other evil things.

To prevent this, browsers follow a rule called the Same-Origin policy. This means that JavaScript running on a website can only make a request to the exactly the same origin as the current page.

What is an origin

The origin is part of the URL of the request. It is made up of the scheme (http:// or https://), the host ( and the port (usually blank, but can be :3000 or :3001) Here are some example URLs with their origins:

URL Origin

Most modern browsers will highlight the origin in the address bar.

How can I allow a cross-origin request

Sometimes we want to make a request that is cross-origin. For example, if I am building a Twitter client, I need to be able to make requests to from a website that is not This would be a cross-origin request — the origins do not match and so the browser cannot follow the same-origin rule.

This would be a problem for us, however Twitter can enable special rules to allow cross-origin requests. They can avoid the security problems of cross-origin requests by requiring authentication info to be included on every request (this is commonly called an API key).

To allow users to make cross-origin requests, you can add some headers to the server's HTTP responses which tells the browser that we are allowing cross-origin requests. The most important header is Access-Control-Allow-Origin. This means the server says "I allow requests to be made from these origins" to the browser. You can list specific origins like this:


Or you can allow any origin like this:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

CORS in Node/Express

You can add a header to a response in Node/Express using the res.header() function:

app.get('/foo', function(req, res) {
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')

The first argument is the name of the header and the second argument is the value.

This can become quite tedious to add to every request. Instead we can use a package from npm called cors. Once you have installed it (using npm install), you can add it to your server like this:

var cors = require('cors')


Normally you would do this once, where you are creating and setting up the Express server.

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