Before you start
Week 0 - Introduction and basic setup
Week 1 - Semantic HTML and CSS
Week 2 - Responsive Web and layout
Week 3 - Design frameworks, Naming patterns and Forms
JavaScript I
Week 4 - Hello JavaScript
Week 5 - Conditionals and Arrays
Week 6 - More Arrays
JavaScript II
Week 7 - Objects
Week 8 - JS in the Browser
Week 9 - More JS in the Browser
JavaScript III
Week 10 - Unit Tests and TDD
Week 11 - More TDD, ES6
Week 12 - Recap
Week 13 - React 101
Week 14 - Reacting to Changes
Week 15 - Fetching Data
Routing (optional)
Week 16 - Node and Express 101
Week 17 - Middleware, Templating and APIs
Week 18 - Advanced Node
Week 19 - Introduction to SQL
Week 20 - More SQL and integration with NodeJS
Week 21 - More integration with NodeJS
Workshops and other tutorials
Coding 101
Compiling SCSS
Automatic deployment of sites with Netlify and GitHub
Express Workshop
Hotel Workshop
MongoDB 101
AWS - DynamoDB
Java module
For Students
Coding Standards and Best Practices
Making a Pull Request
Hosting React apps with Netlify
Node Version Manager
Getting A Job
Developer Links
General information
House Rules
Code of Conduct
Published with GitBook
Code Your Future
CYF Website
CYF Twitter
CYF Facebook
CYF Wiki
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