Database Module

ToDo: Add an intro to DB first - this would be broken to two classes most likely

In this lesson, we'll write a Node.js and Express HTTP API that queries a relational database and exposes it as JSON.

The Database

This is an SQLite database that is based upon the homework from the first database module. The design embraces various one-to-many and many-to-many relationships:


Note that all of the IDs are auto-incrementing - this means that when you add a new record to a table, SQLite will manage the primary key for you; there is no need to explicitly set this.

Perhaps the simplest means of understanding our database is to look at the SQL query used to create our tables.

The Server

This repository contains an Express app that exposes a series of routes for interacting with the database.

There are some end-to-end tests that will hit the endpoints exposes by the server and ensure that the data is updated as expected.

Your Task

Implement the GET /organisation route so that the end-to-end test passes! :)

The server already opens the database, so you just need to query it; you can do this directly in the route file via the imported db object.

We're using the node-sqlite module to connect to and manipulate the database. It follows the same API as node-sqlite3, only it returns Promises in lieu of using callbacks.

Think carefully about the queries you should make and the joins that may be required.

Woah, that's a lot of code!

By fulfilling the first route, you'll have observed that you require a lot of SQL as well as JavaScript operations to provide the data in the format required by the test.

Additionally, this technique is susceptible to SQL injection, a vulnerability via which malicious SQL code can be executed by an application

  • e.g. requesting HTTP DELETE to http://localhost:8000/organisations/1 OR Id=2 will result in two organisations being deleted!

The best approach is to use an object-relational mapper (ORM) such as Sequelize or Bookshelf.js. By defining the models and queries in JavaScript, you can craft much cleaner code.

Reimplement GET /organisation to use an ORM, and then implement the remaining routes in this fashion.

Local development

Make sure you install all of the project dependencies with npm i before you do anything else. Then you can run these scripts:

  • npm test - runs ESLint followed by the end-to-end tests
  • npm start - runs the server via nodemon, restarting on changes to the src directory

Note that this project requires Node.js 6 or above due to the user of ES6.


Complete the class exercises; that should be enough! 0

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