Lesson 1
The repo that you have forked during this class contains few challenges - solve them in JavaScript!
- We will spilt the groups in to pairs
- Use Slack's screen-sharing functionality to pair-programme at least once before Wednesday
- Create a PR by the end of Wednesday
- Code review your pair-partner's PR by creating at least one comment
Create a programme using Scratch
- Sign up for an account
- Watch this video to help you get up to speed with how to use it
- Create your own project with these 3 rules. Your project should:
- have at least two sprites, at least one of which must resemble something other than a cat
- have at least three scripts total (i.e., not necessarily three per sprite)
- use at least one if/else condition, one loop, and one variable
- Once you've created your project, share the project on Slack so others can play around with it!
Try and solve these more advanced JS challenges!
Follow this course on Khan Academy. It will go through some of the basics that we covered in the class and beyond.
Complete the Codecademy Learn JavaScript Path