React 2

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What will we learn today?

Learning Objectives - React Week 2

Event Handlers

React to user interaction via events.

  • Be able to pass functions to event handlers
    • Log to the console when a button is clicked


Create a simple counter component, demonstrating knowledge of React state.

  • Be able to use state variables
    • Initialise with a value with useState(initialValue)
    • Destructure state variable into [stateValue, setStateValue]
    • Render state variables to the view
    • Update with a new value with setStateValue(newValue)
  • Identify when to use props or state

Data fetching

Show some data from an API in a component.

  • Can explain why a loading state is necessary when fetching data as the result is not available on the initial render
  • Be able to trigger fetch() using the useEffect() callback
    • Be able to an empty array ([]) as the 2nd dependencies argument
    • Understand that this will be explained further in week 3
  • Be able to store data from a successful API call in state
    • And be able to explain that this causes a re-render
  • Be able to catch an unsuccessful API call, store the error in state and render an error message


Last week we looked at how to write a HelloMentor React component (interactive example):

// Greeting.js
const Greeting = () => (

// Mentor.js
const Mentor = (props) => (

// index.js
import Greeting from './Greeting';
import Mentor from './Mentor';

const HelloMentor = () => (
    <Greeting />
    <Mentor name="Ali" />

Handling events

So far we have only looked at React apps that are "static": they don't respond to user input. This week we will look at making our apps dynamic.

Recap: First Class Functions in JavaScript

Before we look more at React we need to recap a concept in JavaScript. You may remember that functions in JavaScript are "first class" - that means we can pass a reference to a function (as a variable) and then call it elsewhere. Let's look at an example (interactive example):

function hello() {
  return "Hello!";

console.log(hello);   // Logs: "ƒ hello() {}"
console.log(hello()); // Logs: "Hello!"

In the example above hello is a reference to a function. In the first console.log we log out the whole function. The function is not called until we use parentheses (()), so we only log the string "Hello!" in the second console.log.

This is a really important and useful in React, as we can make a function and pass it to React so that it can call it when a user interacts with our app.

Event Handlers in Components

In previous lessons we learned how to attach event listeners with addEventListener:

// Create an event handler
function logWhenClicked() {
  console.log('buttonElement was clicked!')

// Listen for events and call the event handler when triggered
buttonElement.addEventListener('click', logWhenClicked)

We still need to listen events in React, but event handlers are set up in a slightly different way (interactive example):

function ClickLogger() {
  function logWhenClicked() {
    console.log("Button was clicked!")

  return <button onClick={logWhenClicked}>Click me!</button>

You might find it a little strange that we have a function inside a function. But this is a normal thing to do in JavaScript! logWhenClicked is within the scope of our ClickLogger component.

Every element in React has some special props that start with on that can be assigned to a function which will be called when the event is triggered. In this example we are using onClick, but we'll also see onSubmit later in the module. A full list of special event handler props is available here.

Just like with addEventListener we pass the function reference to onClick instead of calling the function. Think of it like this: we give the function to React, so that React can call our function when the element is clicked.

1. Open the pokedex React application from last week and open the Logo.js file.
2. Add a function named logWhenClicked within the Logo component. (Hint: look at the example above).
3. In the logWhenClicked function, console.log a message (it doesn't matter what the message is).
4. Add an onClick handler to the <img> that will call logWhenClicked. (Hint: look at the ClickLogger component above).
5. In your web browser, try clicking on the logo image. What do you see in the JavaScript console?
6. In a group of 2 - 3 students, discuss what would happen if you changed your code to onClick={logWhenClicked()}. Can you explain why?
7. Report your discussion back to the rest of the class.

Passing Functions as Props

Sometimes we need to pass a function to another component as a prop, so that it can handle the event.

A common example for this is a Button component. This component adds some styling to a normal <button>, but still needs to be able to pass an event handler function to onClick. Let's look at an example (interactive example):

const ClickLoggerApp = () => {
  function logWhenClicked() {
    console.log("Button was clicked");

  return (
      <FancyButton handleClick={logWhenClicked} />
      <p>Then look in the console.</p>

const FancyButton = props => (
  <button className="my-fancy-classname" onClick={props.handleClick}>
    Click Me!

Notice how this is very similar to the example above where we created the handler and used it in the same component? The only difference here is that we are passing the function reference through a prop. We could even pass it through multiple components as props.

1. Open the pokedex React application and open the Logo.js file.
2. Copy and paste the logWhenClicked function from the Logo component to the App component.
3. Pass the logWhenClicked function reference as a prop to the Logo component. (Hint: look at the ClickLoggerApp component above for an example).
4. In the Logo component change the onClick prop so that it passes props.handleClick. (Hint: look at the FancyButton component above for an example).
5. In a group of 2 - 3 students, discuss what you think will happen when you click the logo image now. Can you explain why?
6. Report back to the rest of the class what you thought was going to happen and why.

Re-Rendering Components

So far we've seen that when the page loads, React calls our function components. The JSX elements that are returned from the component functions are turned into the DOM for you by React.

To be able to react to changes, we need to re-render our function components to get different JSX elements. React can then update the DOM based on the new JSX elements.

Let's look at how a component is re-rendered (interactive version):

const Counter = props => {
  console.log(`Rendering. props.count is ${props.count}`);
  return (
      Count: {props.count}
      <button id="click-me">Click me!</button>

If you look in the console, you'll see that the component is rendered once when the page loads. props.count starts at 0, so React inserts "Count: 0" into the DOM.

But when you click the button, the function component is called again (or re-rendered) and this time props.count is 1. React now updates the DOM to make sure it shows the correct number. Every time we click the button, the function component is called and React updates the DOM for us. We don't need to worry about changing the DOM ourselves!

This is what makes React so powerful. Even better, React will figure out exactly the right bits of the DOM that need to be changed, a concept called the "virtual DOM". This makes it extremely efficient and fast.


Let's take another look at the the counter example. What if you wanted to create multiple counters on the same page? How would you add another counter?

You could add some more count global variables:

let count1 = 0;
let count2 = 0;
let count3 = 0;

What might be the problem here?

  • It's quite verbose
  • It's hard to make sure that you're updating the correct counter
  • It's stuck at 3 counters - to add more, we'd have to do more work

What other approaches can we take?

The solution that React provides for us is called state. It allows a component to "remember" some variables. Let's take a look at how we could rewrite the counter with React state.

Let's start over and get rid of the global variables. Generally having global variables is a bad idea, since it is very easy to create a bug which affects the whole application.

const Counter = (props) => {
  return (
      Count: {props.count}
      <button>Click me!</button>

ReactDOM.render(<Counter count={0} />, document.getElementById('root'));

Now we need to use one of the class component super powers - state. That means we'll have to convert our Counter component to use a class (interactive example):

class Counter extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        Count: {this.props.count}
        <button>Click me!</button>

Next we'll change the component to use the count from this.state instead of this.props (interactive example):

class Counter extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        Count: {this.state.count}
        <button>Click me!</button>

This code has a bug! this.state is initialised as an empty object, and so this.state.count is undefined. We need to initialise it from props. We can do this in the class constructor (interactive example):

class Counter extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      count: props.count

  render() {
    // ...

Now the counter component is "remembering" its count, however it is stuck at 0. Next we'll look at how we change what the component is remembering (interactive example):

class Counter extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // ...

  increment = () => {
      count: 1

  render() {
    return (
        Count: {this.state.count}
        <button onClick={this.increment}>Click me!</button>

There's a couple of things happening here. We've added an click handler to the button, which will call the increment function when the button gets clicked. When the increment function is called, it calls this.setState function with the count set to 1.

this.setState is a special function provided by React's Component, and it is used to change what the component is "remembering". It will also tell React that the old value that is still shown in the DOM is outdated and needs to be updated. This will trigger React to re-render, like we did manually with the renderCounter function.

Now that we have refactored to use React state, we can easily add multiple counters (interactive example):

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Counter count={0} />
      <Counter count={0} />
      <Counter count={0} />

This still isn't a particular useful application, because we can only still only count to 1! We need to change our Counter component so that it reads the previous state, then adds 1 onto that. We can do this by passing a callback function to this.setState (interactive example):

class Counter extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    // ...

  increment = () => {
    this.setState(previousState => {
      return {
        count: previousState.count + 1

  render() {
    // ...

Now we can count up as many times as we like!

So when do we need to use a callback function for this.setState? If we are computing the new state based on the old state, then we need to use a callback function. Otherwise we can just use an object. This is because React can 'delay' this.setState executing for performance reasons. By using a callback function, we ensure that we are computing the new state with the correct version of the old state and not an outdated one.

Let's recap what we've learnt about React state:

  • State is one of the class component super powers - you must use a class component to use state
  • We initialise state in the constructor method by assigning the this.state variable to an object with whatever initial state we want (e.g. { something: 'hello' })
  • We can read or render state by using the this.state variable (e.g. this.state.something)
  • We can change state using the this.setState() method and by passing the piece of state we want to update (e.g. this.setState({ something: 'hi' }))
  • If we need to read the previous state to be able to calculate the new state, then we must use a callback function with this.setState() (e.g. this.setState((previousState) => { return { something: previousState.something + 1 } }))

Exercise D Open the pokedex React application and open the CaughtPokemon.js file

  1. Add a constructor method to the CaughtPokemon component and remember to handle props correctly (hint: super(props))
  2. Set the initial state by assigning this.state in the constructor method to an object. Then make the initial state have 0 caughtPokemon
  3. Change the CaughtPokemon component to render this.state.caughtPokemon instead of hard-coding 0. Do you expect anything to have changed in your web browser?
  4. Add a <button> with the text "Catch Pokemon" to the CaughtPokemon component
  5. Create an catchPokemon method within the CaughtPokemon class
  6. Add a onClick handler to the <button> we just created that will call the catchPokemon method
  7. Within the catchPokemon method, use this.setState() to change caughtPokemon to 1
  8. Update the catchPokemon method to increase the number of caughtPokemon by 1 every time the button is clicked (hint: we need to use the previous state to calculate the new state)

When do you use Props or State?

We've looked at the 2 main ways of managing data in our React components. But when should we use props and when should we use state?

Remember that props are like "arguments" to a component. It's good practice to make sure that you don't modify arguments after you receive them. In fact, React makes it impossible to modify (or mutate) props. Let's have a look at an example (interactive example):

class Hello extends Component {
  render() { = 'Ali';

    return (
      <p>Hello {}</p>

render(<Hello name="Mona" />, document.getElementById('root'));

You'll see that we get an error. This is because React has made props read-only, which is a reminder to you that we shouldn't change props. If we were allowed to change props, React doesn't have a way of telling that you've changed the data. Our UI is now stale - not up-to-date with the latest data - and has no way of knowing that it has to re-render.

From this we can get a clue about when to use state. If data changes over time, then we need to use state. My rule of thumb is that I always use props until I know that it needs to change over time, then I convert it to state. As you get more experience with React, you'll know sooner what should be props and what should be state.

Container components

In real world applications, the things we want to remember in state follow the business logic required by our users. So for example the number of caught Pokemon in the exercise increases when you click on the button Catch Pokemon. Most of the time, business logic is about figuring out when and how to change state.

To help us cleanly split up code that performs business logic from code that shows the user interface we split components into presentational and container components. Often we have components that don't do anything except manage state according to the business rules and render the right presentational components. On the other hand, we often have components that don't change any state, and just render using the provided props.

Container components usually have some state and handler methods. Because of this they must use the class syntax. Presentational components on the other hand don't require the more verbose syntax. Instead they usually use the functional syntax.

React Hooks

React is continously updated with features all the time, one that stands out the most are React Hooks, released in React v16.8.

What are hooks?

Hooks are functions that enable you manipulate the React state (and other lifecycle features, which you will be learning next week).

Why React hooks, over Class component state and methods?

  • Code is less complex - being able to make your code more readable in the long term, make it more maintainable
  • Hooks are reusable - unlike methods that scoped within in a class components, you are able to create your own and reuse them elsewhere you in the code. Keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

Counter Example - with hooks

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
  // Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
      <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
        Click me

Here, useState is a Hook. We call it inside a function component to add some local state to it. React will preserve this state between re-renders. useState returns a pair: the current state i.e. count and a function that lets you update it i.e. setCount.

Note that variable count and function setCount come from destructured arrays (a JavaScript feature). The initial value of count is 0 and whenever we press on the button, it will fire the setCount function to increment by 1.

Setting multiple states

function ExampleWithManyStates() {
  // Declare multiple state variables!
  const [age, setAge] = useState(0);
  const [fruit, setFruit] = useState('Oranges');

  return (
      <p> Hi! I am Alex </p>
      <p> {`I am ${age} years old`} </p>
      <p> {`I prefer to eat ${fruit}`} </p>      
      <button onClick={() => setAge(age + 1)}>Add 1 year</button>
      <button onClick={() => setFruit('Apples')}>Change to Apples</button>

Notice that as before the initial state to a value inside useState in this case we have 0 and Oranges, with value 0 has the same behaviour as the counter example before. With value Oranges, it can turned into the value Apple. Stick to using the same data type, as it is best practice.

Fetching data in React

Often when you create a React app, you will want to get data from an API, and display it inside your components. How do we do this in React? Where does the API call go, and when should we trigger it?

Where: Usually in a parent component, at the top of the component tree (see the note about 'container' components above). You can then flow the data down into your child components as props. When: When the component is first loaded into the DOM. We call this 'mounting'. How: With a handy new hook called useEffect.

The useEffect hook

Just like useState, the useEffect hook is a special function that all function components can import and use as needed. This is the syntax to follow to fetch data when the component is first mounted:

useEffect(() => {
  // Make your API call here
}, []); // Don't forget the empty array here!

And here is a more complete example:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; // remember to import the hook(s) you need!

const MartianPhotoFetcher = () => {
  const [marsPhotos, setMarsPhotos] = useState();

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(data => setMarsPhotos(data));

  return (
      // TODO: update this example

export default MartianPhotoFetcher;

In the code above, we're saying to React “When this component is mounted, call the NASA photos API, and when you receive a response, save it inside of the 'marsPhotos' state”.

This is a very common pattern which will come in very useful!

1. Open the pokedex React application again and open the src/BestPokemon.js file.
2. Create a new component called BestPokemonFetcher.
3. Change the export default to export BestPokemonFetcher instead of BestPokemon. We don't need to make any changes to the BestPokemon component.
4. In the new BestPokemonFetcher component, create a new state variable called pokemon and initialise it to null.
Click here if you are stuck.Look at the State section to see how to create state variables.
5. If there is no pokemon state (hint: if (!pokemon) {}), then return null so that the component renders nothing.
6. If there is some pokemon state (else {}), then render the BestPokemon component and pass the pokemon state variable as the pokemon prop (hint: <BestPokemon pokemon={pokemon} />).
7. Now add a useEffect to the BestPokemonFetcher component. Make sure you remember to add the empty array after the callback function.
Click here if you are stuck.Look at the examples above to see how to add useEffect.
8. Inside the useEffect callback, call the fetch function with this URL:
9. Add a .then handler into the fetch function (remember this needs to come immediately after the fetch call) which converts the response from JSON (hint: .then(res => res.json())).
10. Add a second .then handler after the one we just added, where the callback function will receive an argument called data.
11. Within the second .then callback function, log out the data that we just received (hint: console.log(data)). Inspect the data in the dev tools console. Can you see any interesting values? (Hint: think about what the BestPokemon component expects as a prop)
12. Still within the second .then callback function, update the pokemon state variable.
Click here is you are stuck.:ppl at the State section again to see how to set state variables to new values.
13. What happens in your browser? Do you understand why? If not, discuss it with another student. If you are both stuck, ask a Teaching Assistant.

Further Reading

What happens if you forget to pass a prop to a component? Or if you pass the wrong type of data to a component? Sometimes React will just render an empty element but sometimes it could throw an error! This is why propTypes are useful. This page on the React documentation describes how to use propTypes in more detail.

Exercise E Complete the FreeCodeCamp exercise on propTypes:

  1. Use PropTypes to Define the Props You Expect


  1. If you haven't already, complete the in-class exercises on your pokedex app
  2. Complete all of the lesson 2 exercises in the cyf-hotel-react project

Prepare for the next class

  1. Finish reading the official React tutorial
  2. Read the lifecycle page on the official React documentation
  3. Read the AJAX page on the official React documentation
  4. Watch this video tutorial on fetching data in React

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