Database 2: More SQL and integration with NodeJS

What will we learn today?

  • Revision from last week
  • More SQL
    • Changing the definition of a table
    • Dropping a table
    • Updating a row
    • Deleting a row
    • Join tables
    • Other useful operations
  • Integration with NodeJS
    • Introduction to node-postgres
    • Loading data from a database with a GET endpoint
  • Homework

More SQL

For the following, use the file cyf_hotels_exercise5.sql from the previous class to reinitialise your database with psql -d cyf_hotels -f cyf_hotels_exercise5.sql.

Changing the definition of a table

Sometimes, you may need to change the definition of a table you created before without deleting it. Such changes include renaming a table, adding/removing a column, changing the name of a column, changing the type of a column etc... The general syntax to perform these operations is:

ALTER TABLE table_name action;

For example, to add a new column to the existing customers table:

ALTER TABLE customers ADD COLUMN date_of_birth DATE;

To delete an existing column from the customers table:

ALTER TABLE customers DROP COLUMN date_of_birth;

To rename the table customers into clients:

ALTER TABLE customers RENAME TO clients;

For more examples, you can consult the following tutorial: Postgres alter table.

Exercise 1

  • Add a column date_of_birth of type DATE in the customers table.
  • Rename the column date_of_birth to birthdate in the customers table.
  • Delete the column birthdate from the customers table.

Dropping a table

To delete the table customers:

DROP TABLE customers;

Exercise 2:

  • Create a new table test
  • Drop the table test

Updating a row

The general construction to update a row is:

UPDATE table SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2 WHERE condition;

For example, to update the name and country of the customers with ID 3:

UPDATE customers SET name='Bob Marley', country='Jamaica' WHERE id=3;

Exercise 3

  • Update the postcode of the hotel named Elder Lake Hotel to L10XYZ
  • Update the number of rooms of Cozy Hotel to 25
  • For the customer named Nadia Sethuraman, update her address to 2 Blue Street, her city to Glasgow and her postcode to G11ABC in one query
  • Update all the bookings of customer with ID 1 for the hotel with ID 1 to 5 nights in one query

Deleting a row

The syntax to delete a row is:

DELETE FROM table WHERE condition;

For example, to delete the booking with ID 4:

DELETE FROM bookings WHERE id=4;

NOTE: If you don't supply a WHERE clause with DELETE or UPDATE the command will be applied to all the rows in the table which is rarely what you want.

Exercise 4

  • Delete the booking of customer ID 8 for the date 2020-01-03
  • Delete all the bookings of customer ID 6
  • Delete the customer with ID 6

Joining tables

Sometimes, you will need to retrieve data which are spread in different tables in a single response. For this purpose, you will need to join tables together. The general syntax is:

SELECT A.column1, B.column2 FROM A INNER JOIN B ON;

For example, to load all the bookings along with customer data:

SELECT * FROM customers INNER JOIN bookings ON;

To load all the bookings along with customer data and hotel data:

SELECT * FROM bookings
INNER JOIN customers ON

To load the booking checkin dates for customer ID 1 along with the customer name and the hotel name:

SELECT bookings.checkin_date,, FROM bookings
INNER JOIN customers ON

Exercise 5

  • Try and understand each of the queries above in your psql prompt
  • Retrieve all the bookings along with customer data for bookings starting in 2020
  • Retrieve the customer names, booking start dates and number of nights for all customers who booked the hotel name Jade Peaks Hotel
  • Retrieve all the booking start dates with customer names and hotel names for all bookings for more than 5 nights

Other useful operations

Ordering the result:

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY column;

This will sort the returned rows in the ascending order for "column". To sort them in descending order, use:


Limiting the number of results returned:


Returning all customers whose ID is 1, 2, 3 or 4:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4);

Query by pattern matching, for example retrieve all customers whose name starts with Bob:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE 'Bob%';

You can combine different operations together, for example, if you want to retrieve all the booking start dates with the customer names and hotel names for customer names starting with the letter M ordered by hotel name with a limit of 3 results:

SELECT bookings.checkin_date,, FROM bookings
INNER JOIN customers ON

Exercise 6

  • Retrieve all customers whose name starts with the letter S
  • Retrieve all hotels which have the word Hotel in their name
  • Retrieve the booking start date, customer name, hotel name for the top 5 bookings ordered by number of nights in descending order

Integration with NodeJS

Introduction to node-postgres

"node-postgres is a collection of node.js modules for interfacing with your PostgreSQL database." -

In the following, we will use node-postgres to...

  1. Connect to a database
  2. Send SQL query to the database and get results

Loading data from a database with a GET endpoint

Let's build a brand new NodeJS application with a single GET endpoint to load the list of hotels that you already have in the hotels table of the cyf_hotels database.

First, create a new NodeJS application that we will call cyf-hotels-api (enter server.js when asking about the entry point):

mkdir cyf-hotels-api && cd cyf-hotels-api && npm init

As before, we will use the Express library to build our API, and the node-postgres library to connect with our database:

npm install --save express
npm install --save pg

Create a server.js file, import express, initialise the server and start listening for requests:

const express = require("express");
const app = express();

app.listen(3000, function() {
    console.log("Server is listening on port 3000. Ready to accept requests!");

Import pg library and create a new GET endpoint to load the list of hotels:

const { Pool } = require('pg');

const pool = new Pool({
    user: 'postgres',
    host: 'localhost',
    database: 'cyf_hotels',
    password: '',
    port: 5432

app.get("/hotels", function(req, res) {
    pool.query('SELECT * FROM hotels', (error, result) => {

In the code above:

  • We first import the Pool class from the pg library, which is used to connect to a database
  • We create a new pool where we specify the credentials to connect to the cyf_hotels database
  • We then create a new /hotels endpoint where we use the method query() to send a SQL query to load all the hotels from the table hotels and return the results with result.rows. You can write any valid SQL query that you learned in the query() method!

Start your server with node server.js and try to reach the /hotels endpoint to see the list of hotels currently available in your hotels table of your cyf_hotels database. You can try to create/update/delete hotels to verify that your API always returns what is stored in your database.


In this homework, you are going to work with an ecommerce database. In this database, you have products that consumers can buy from different suppliers. Customers can create an order and several products can be added in one order.

To prepare your environment for this homework, open a terminal and create a new database called cyf_ecommerce:

createdb cyf_ecommerce

Import the file cyf_ecommerce.sql in your newly created database:

psql -d cyf_ecommerce -f cyf_ecommerce.sql
  • Open the file cyf_ecommerce.sql in VSCode and make sure you understand all the SQL code. Take a piece of paper and draw the database with the different relations between tables. Identify the foreign keys and make sure you understand the full database schema.

Once you understand the database that you are going to work with, solve the following challenge by writing SQL queries using everything you learned about SQL:

  • Retrieve all the customers names and addresses who lives in United States
  • Retrieve all the customers ordered by ascending name
  • Retrieve all the products which cost more than 100
  • Retrieve all the products whose name contains the word socks
  • Retrieve the 5 most expensive products
  • Retrieve all the products with their corresponding suppliers. The result should only contain the columns product_name, unit_price and supplier_name
  • Retrieve all the products sold by suppliers based in the United Kingdom. The result should only contain the columns product_name and supplier_name.
  • Retrieve all orders from customer ID 1
  • Retrieve all orders from customer named Hope Crosby
  • Retrieve all the products in the order ORD006. The result should only contain the columns product_name, unit_price and quantity.
  • Retrieve all the products with their supplier for all orders of all customers. The result should only contain the columns name (from customer), order_reference order_date, product_name, supplier_name and quantity.
  • Retrieve the names of all customers who bought a product from a supplier from China.

For the second part of this homework:

  • Create a new NodeJS application called cyf-ecommerce-api
  • Add Express and node-postgres and make sure you can start the server with node server.js
  • Add a new GET endpoint /customers to load all the customers from the database
  • Add a new GET endpoint /suppliers to load all the suppliers from the database
  • (STRETCH GOAL) Add a new GET endpoint /products to load all the product names along with their supplier names.

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