Mentor's Notes

Some notes about JS1-1

What worked well

[-]Having all the exercises for the module in the js-exercises repo works well.

Things to improve

[-]Array methods in syllabus seem outdated / not the most useful.

e.g. setting a new array value using the [x] notation should be replaced with .push()

Also suggest adding filter() to array methods section.

[-]Can we introduce arrow functions here? It is likely students will encounter this notation during their research, so it would be useful to cover this.

Other thoughts

[-]Students confuse returns and console.logs [-]It's difficult for students to differentiate between variables the coder has created, and reserved words that are built into javascript. e.g. multiply() vs push() [-]The Predicates section was spent mostly trying to grasp typeof. Not sure if this is just a good opportunity to teach typeof, or if it distracts from the point of the lesson i.e. predicates?

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