JavaScript Core II - 3

What we will learn today?

Callbacks and Asynchronous Functions

We have already seen callback functions - in the Array methods forEach, map, filter etc. They are functions that are passed as parameter to another function.

Callbacks have another purpose as asynchronous functions. For these type of functions, the callback is called once another function has completed. This allows you to run some other code while you're waiting for something to finish.

function finished() {
  console.log("The task has finished");

function thingThatTakesALongTime(callback) {
  //... Task that takes a long time to complete

  callback(); // This is where the 'console.log' happens

// Pass the function to 'thingThatTakesALongTime' just like a normal variable

So far all of the callbacks you have been using have been synchronous. This means your code is executed one line at a time, at the same time, in order. Asynchronous code is not executed in order, and can run at any time, in any order.

An example of this in real life, are phone calls and text messages.

  • Phone calls are synchronous because you can't (really) do anything while the other person is speaking. You are always waiting for your turn to respond
  • Text messages are asynchronous. When you send a text, you can go away and do something else, until the other person responds.

A simple example of an asynchronous function is setTimeout. This allows you to run a function after a given time period. The first argument is the function you want to run, the second argument is the delay (in milliseconds)

// Separate function definition
function myCallbackFunction() {
  console.log("Hello world!");
setTimeout(myCallbackFunction, 1000);

// Inline function
setTimeout(function() {
  console.log("Goodbye world!");
}, 500);

Now let's use a timeout and a callback function together:

function finished(result) {
    console.log('Finished! The result is: ' + result)

function startWork(stuff, callback) {
    console.log('Starting! The stuff is: ', stuff)
    setTimeout(function() {
        callback(stuff + 50)
    }, 1000)

startWork(50, finished)


  • Using setTimeout, change the background colour of the page after 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds).
  • Update your code to make the colour change every 5 seconds to something different. Hint: try searching for setInterval. Complete the exercises in this CodePen


Promises are a new(ish) feature of JavaScript. They allow for writing easier to understand code when dealing with asynchronous functions.

Promises are more "abstract" than anything we have covered so far. They are a data structure that represents some result that is going to happen in the future. The result starts off as being unknown (pending) as the code has not completed yet. The result can then move to be successful (fulfilled) or failed (rejected).

The API is very simple. When you have a Promise, you can attach a .then method with a callback and/or a .catch method with a callback. If the promise is successful, then the function in the .then callback is called. If it fails, then the .catch callback is called.

// Call a function that returns a Promise
var myPromise = functionThatReturnsAPromise();

myPromise.then(function(value) {
  console.log("success: " + value);

myPromise.catch(function(value) {
  console.log("fail:" + value);

The .then and .catch methods can be chained, like with Array methods:

myPromise.then(function(value) {
  console.log("success: " + value);
.catch(function(value) {
  console.log("fail: " + value);

You can even return a Promise from within a .then callback, and keep chaining on more .then callbacks. This allows you to process part of the value and keep passing it along the chain:

// myPromise resolves with a value of 50
myPromise.then(function(value) {
  console.log(value) // Logs: 50
  return Promise.resolve(value + 50); // Returns a new Promise
.then(function(value) {
  console.log(value) // Logs: 100

We will look at some common functions that return a Promise in a bit, but you can also create your own Promise. This example shows a Promise being "resolved" (successful):

var myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  // Do some work in this function
  resolve(100); // Resolves the Promise with the value 100

This example shows a Promise being "rejected" (failed):

var myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  // Do some work in this function
  reject(50) // Rejects the Promise with the value 50


Complete the exercises in this CodePen


Client/Server architecture

A server is a device or program that provides functionality to other programs or devices. There are database servers, mail servers, game servers, etc. The vast majority of these servers are accessed over the internet. They can take the form of industrial server farms that provide a service to millions of users (used by Facebook, Google, etc.), to personal servers for storing your files.

The server communicates with clients. A client can be a web browser, a Slack app, your phone, etc.

Client–server systems use the request–response model: a client sends a request to the server, which performs some action and sends a response back to the client, typically with a result or acknowledgement.

HTTP Requests

A server stores the data, and the client (other programs or computers) requests data or sends some of its own. But how do they talk to each other?

For the client and the server to communicate they need an established language (a protocol). Which is what HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is for. It defines the methods you can use to communicate with a server and indicate your desired actions on the resources of the server.

There are two main types of requests: GET and POST.

Request type Description
GET Ask for a specified resource (e.g. show me that photo)
POST Send content to the server (e.g. post a photo)

HTTP is the language of the internet. In our case we're using Javascript, but you can send HTTP requests with other laguages as well.

What is AJAX?

AJAX is a technique for implementing client-server communication in the browser.

Typically, the server holds the data, and only sends it to the client (web page) when there's a request. AJAX requests are sent after the page has loaded, usually in response to an action by the user. For example when the user clicks a button, some JavaScript will trigger an AJAX request to fetch data.

Introduction to Fetch and asynchronous code

fetch is a way of creating HTTP requests in JavaScript.

    .then(function(response) {
        return response.text(); // or response.json()
    .then(function(text) {
        console.log(text); // Print 'Hello CodeYourFuture!'


Continue the pending tasks on the Dom-AJAX workshop repo.

More JS in the Browser

Fork, clone and follow the instructions on the Dom-AJAX workshop repo


Continue the pending tasks on the Dom-AJAX workshop repo.

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